Noo frisk mi hai preceduto la stavo proprio per postare xD
comunque è stupenda ed ha anche l'acqua e la torcia
per le armi..wooow sbav :Q____
Speed increases. Depending on your system you can expect between 10%-80% increase over the original engine. For those of you with lower end machines, you'll see increases at the higher end of the scale.
FPSC IP 4.0 for improved multi-player gaming, thanks to Knxrb.
New Scripting Commands -
This mod uses a new culling system, enabling greater control over the look and performance of your games.
Cullmode=x where
0=Use global standard culling FPSC culling.
1=Use WASP culling and access cullstate commands.
Cullstate= x
x=0, use full culling on object, this is the default
x=1, use standard FPSC culling on object
x=2, Always show if on screen, can be thought of as SHOWOBJECT
x=3, Always hide regardless of range, can be thought of as HIDEOBJECT
x=???? cull object at ??? distance, object within 150 automatically displayed regardless of this value, unless hidden by CULLSTATE=3
New flashlight commands..
WASP mod V2 features two new types of flashlight or torch. The first is controlled purely by script and is based upon the player position.
Flashlighton =turn on player flashlight from player cam
Flashlightoff=turn off player flashlight from player cam
Flashlightrange=range of player flashlight from player cam
Flashlightred=red element of player flashlight from player cam
Flashlightgreen=green element of player flashlight from player cam
Flashlightblue=blue element of player flashlight from player cam
The second form of flashlight add a new series of Gunspec commands offering similar features but allowing the light to be emitted from a hand held weapon. For example, a pistol with an attached flashlight, a flashlight itself, used as a mellee weapon, etc.
Gunspec flashlight/torch additions.
IsTorch=x 1=weapon has a flashlight attached
TorchKey=x scan code of key to toggle flashlight on/off
TorchRange=weapon flashlight range
TorchRed=Red Element of weapon flashlight
TorchGreen=Green Element of weapon flashlight
TorchBlue=Blue Element of weapon flashlight
Gunspec - Gravity gun.
Gravitygun=x where x equals the range of the gravity gun. Left click nudges objects, right click picks them up.
New Math commands.
Randomize =x, randomize the random seed from the timer.
Rnd X or Rnd variable name x = Produce a random number between 0 and x and add to either the current default local/global variable or to specified variable name.
Abs X or Abs variable name = force current local/global or name variable to positive.
New keyboard commands.
These commands allow control over the control keys. By default they are all set to 1 for enabled. Some users may find these useful for controlling player movement for special effects.
walkkeys=x, enable the walk movement keys
arrowkeys=x , enable the arrow keys for movement
crouchkey=x ,enable the crouch key
jumpkey=x, enable the jump key
peekkeys=x, enable the peek keys
You can use a compass in your games - with thanks for the code going to knrxb
Compasson = Turns on the compass
Compassoff= Turns off the compass
CompassX = Compass x cordinate.
CompassY = Compass y cordinate
Compassspin = Sets the compass to spin
Needlespin = Sets the needle to spin
There are a series of new commands to add to your control over variables.
Push = Empty or name$ : Pushes either the current used variable or the named variable onto a reverse polish notation stack
Pop = Empty or name$ : Pops the top number from the stack and places it in current variable or named variable
AddRawText = String, Adds the string to the current RawText file
AddRawVar= Empty or name$, adds either the current variable or the named variable to the RawText file.
You can also add body armour to your player.
Armon = x 1=Turn on body armour, 0=No body armour, damage is deducted from armour before health.
SetArmx=x, X cord of the armour display
SetArmy=x, Y cord of the armour display
SetArm=x, Sets body armour value to X
ArmInc=X, add X to your current body armour
ArmDec=X, subtract X from your current armour.
New AI commands - Wasp mod offers a number of commands which give greater access to your AI's.
enemywithin=x y - X is the team whose enemies you want to find, Y is the distance
enemyfurther=x y - X is the team whose enemies you want to find, Y is the distance
allywithin=x y - X is the team whose allies you want to find, Y is the distance
allywithin=x y - X is the team whose allies you want to find, Y is the distance
teammemberwithin=x y - X is the team you want to find, Y is the distance
teammemberfurther=x y - X is the team you want to find, Y is the distance
entitywithin=x y - X is the name of the entity, Y is the distance within
entityfurther=x y - X is the name of the entity, Y is the distance further
entityinzone=x y - X is the name of the entity, Y is 0 or 1, 0 is not in zone, 1 is in zone
Weapon slot selection - forces weapons to a set slot
Crosshair=X 1=on, 0=off
Limb Scaling and mutation - See manual in download
Radar with directional facings- See manual in download
Plus a few odds and ends.
Multiplayer Features.
Support for FPSC IP 4.0
Lemur V2 - Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch-
Dowload Manuale:
Raga ma con la 1.17 non worka?? uffà..mi ha dato errore..