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Download V-Ray per Blender 2.49
Per ora c'è il V-Ray solo per Blender 2.49, comunque io ora lo scarico e lo testo sul 2.5.


[Immagine: Aquino9.jpg]

[Immagine: 464.jpg]

[Immagine: bbb_2__14.jpg]

[Immagine: COMPs.jpg]

Licenza: Free
Download Windows 32 Bit: QUI
Download Linux 64 Bit: QUI

Invece questo è l'exporter per il V-Ray:

Licenza: Free
Download: QUI

Version History:

6 Oct 2009


* Objects:
o Particles with object as Visualization type (also supports Empty with attached proxy file).
o Text, Curve, Meta, Surface support without convertion
o All kind of Dupli support
* Animation:
o Animation system is fully rewritten
o Geometry export for animation use less memory
o You only need to select if mesh changes during animation (dynamic) or not (static) (objects positions are exported automatically)
o Every control supported by exporter and by Blender's animation system is now exported to animation
* Blender controls:
o Fresnel reflections (activated if "Fresnel" > 0.0 and its value is used as Fresnel IOR).
o "Tralu" slider (Fog color mult) fix (now behaves right, so, for example, 0.05 value is good)
o "Mir" color controls only fog color
o "Spec" color controls mirror color
o "Thresh" controls support
o "Anisotropy" slider support
o "Alpha" slider doesn't affect refraction now! Refraction is controlled only by "Col" and can be turned on/off by "Ray Transp" button.
o No need to call texture "IBL" - just put a texture in Hemi texture slot.
o "Stencil" support
o Multiple UV support
o Normal map support (Nor slot, if "Normal map" (in F6) enabled - normal mapping, disabled - bump mapping)
o On "Shades" panel - "TraShadow" means "Reflect on back side", "Shadow" means - "Affect shadows" (info here http://www.spot3d.com/vray/help/150SP1/m...params.htm)
o 2sided translucency is now controlled by Amb slider
o Render region support (Shift+B)
o Lamp is now Omni (behave as Lamp) by default.
o Percentage render size controls (100%, 75% etc)
* Script controls:
o Too much problems with Output path so it's moved to Autosave option (dont affect animation!)
o Too much problems with Thread so I create my own control.
o Renamed controls: render active layers is now "L", "A" - render animation
o M - manual export control useful for animation (for example, you don't need to reexport animated nodes if you only change material)
o More GI modes
o GI now can be saved/loaded to/from file
o Environment settings moved to "CM / Env" panel
o Environment textures names now lowercase (env_bg, env_gi, env_reflect, env_refract)
o Override textures should now be called in lower case
o V-Ray verbose level control
o ObjectID control
o Camera name in render file name.
o Physical camera white balance
o "Simple portal" option for Area light.
o Some global material override options.
o More displacement controls
o More debug info
o More tooltips
* Fixes:
o Spotlight fix and penumbraAngle param by CaptainCavern

18 Jan 2008


* Only for V-Ray For Maya 08529 from 16 December 2008 and later.
* Texture baking. Currently doesn't work with displaced meshes.
* New controls:
o Depth of Ray Mirror and Ray Transp.
o Disp on Map To panel.
* Displace and Caustics global settings are joined on Disp/Caust panel.
* Displace amount can be set ether by Disp map value and on Object panel. So you can now set displace amount by Disp and override it for any object in Object panel by disabling Use "Disp" value.
* New object settings. Info about these settings.
* Matte objects.
* Doc: Usage page updated.

22 Dec 2008


* Phys panel is renamed to Object panel.
* Some bugfixes

19 Dec 2008


* FastSSS
* Animation render fix for Windows.

16 Dec 2008


* Animation support:
o rendering process will lock Blender's GUI
o it can't be terminated except closing Blender
o only png output (temporary)
* Render output support: render and channels are automatically saved to path specified in Output panel in Blender.

16 Dec 2008


* New light controls: Affect D (diffuse) S (specular) R (reflections)
* Glossy mapping: Spec in Map To.
* Glossy bugfix, glass bugfix

6 Nov 2008


* Up to 30% faster export
* Instances (made with Alt+d)
* Distributed render GUI (System panel -> DR. Hosts format is shown in hint. To save changes press Save)
* IES intensity control (Lumen)
* DirectLight shadow radius control
* Texture blending modes support
* Initial SSS support
* Local file paths (//) fix
* Windows "spaces in paths" problem fix (by Silvio Gollega)
* Bug fixes and new bugs Smile

6 Sep 2008


* A: On - Export only renderable objects on active layers, Off - export all objects;
L: On - Autoexport meshes on Render click, Off - manual Export meshes.
* Automatic FOV calculation for Physical camera
* Environment
o Works like http://www.spot3d.com/vray/help/150R1/re...onment.htm
o Background - map name ENV_BG, color - World Ho
o GI - map name ENV_GI, color - World Ze
o Reflection - map name ENV_REFLECT, color - World Amb
o Refraction - map name ENV_REFRACT, color - World Amb
o S = Sky (works only if Sun present)
* Volume fog for refraction
o Works if one of Mir color components < 0.999
o Fog color - Mir color
o Fog mulptiplier - Tralu slider
* Texture tiling multipliers, filter size support
* VRay2SidedMtl
o Start material name with 2SIDED
o Translucency - Spec color
o Create Hemi light and texture with name IBL
o Change settings in Phys panel
* Shader code bugfixes
* Native Blender's controls
o Camera focus (DofDist)
o Threads number
o Render size
* Big thanks to Bertrand Benoit for testing and great renders Smile


* Alpha fix
* Ray Mirror and Ray Transp now works. Read Usage for more info.


* Displacement (Displace panel)
* Phong, Ward shaders (Blinn is default shader, if none of Phong or Ward is chosen)


* Standard glossy controls
* Bump fix
* Active layers render (by mimiWielki)


* DOF (works only with Physical Camera)
* Camera types: Standard, Spherical, Cylindrical (point), Cylindrical (ortho), Box and Fish eye.
* Direct light (Now Sun Light is Direct Light by default)
* Caustics
* Environment color (World Hor value)


* Glossy refraction
* Reflection fix


* Manual V-Ray binary selection (no $PATH set needed) with Wine support
* Self-illumination


* Initial texture support
potento questo v-ray...
Il v-ray + Blender è super potene xD la fotografia con la ragazza se non ci fosse il cane sembrebbe quasi vera LoL.
Ciao a tutti, mi chiedevo se qualcuno di voi lo ha provato su Mac e se esiste una versione per OSX
a me sembra reale la prima immagine! comunque no non l'ho provato neanche per windows

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