13-08-2015, 07:53 AM
Grazie eoasier, voi di Making Videogames siete quello che ci vuole dopo essere stato su indie vault a ricevere quasi ed esclusivamente critiche!
Se volete leggere quello che mi ha detto un publisher (penso sappiate cosa sono):
Thank you for reaching out to us. We have spent time looking at your game Flappy Wishy and definitely saw quality in your title, along with some unique elements in the game. However it doesn't appear to be a fit for our portfolio. Please do keep us updated as the game evolves, or as you begin to develop any other Facebook or mobile titles.

Thank you for reaching out to us. We have spent time looking at your game Flappy Wishy and definitely saw quality in your title, along with some unique elements in the game. However it doesn't appear to be a fit for our portfolio. Please do keep us updated as the game evolves, or as you begin to develop any other Facebook or mobile titles.