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Nazi Zombie System Script per Fpsc X9
Mini Tutorial Nazi Zombie System Script per Fpsc X9

Lo lascio in inglese, non ho tempo di tradurlo.

For the beginning I to you shall tell, that for each point the scripts work. Which points are shown below on a sreenshot:

Wow! Whether how many lines WP it is possible to get confused not so? On an example I shall show you line WP of a point 1:


For this purpose points and for this purpose zombie (which use this line WP) to create the fifth point at the barricade. Since It is a point of destruction of a barricade, as stated on a screenshot in a red circle.
And further not so important how many will be points WP. I have lead a line further to respawn the player.

Blocks :

Script zombie for Point 1:

Codice PHP:
;desc Зомби (мужчинамедленный для точки 1

:varequal=game_over 1:state=999,setframe=1

;===Бежит по ВП к баррикаде (7 точек5 точка разрушения баррикадыконечная)===

;===Входит в игровую зону игрока===

;===Загрузка другого скрипта===
state=9:runfpi= [Way for a script of attack]

Анимация бега===

;===Проверяет сломаны ли все доски (1-нет0-да)===
state=10,varequal=point1_clear 1:state=5
:state=10,varequal=point1_clear 0:state=12,settargetname=door,rotatetotarget
:state=5,varequal=point1_clear 0:state=12

;===Звук атаки===

;===Ломает доски (атака 1)===
:state=11,framebeyond=93 45,plrdistwithin=70:plraddhealth=-30,state=111,addvar=point1 1,sound=audiobank\station13\survival\plank_break1.ogg
:state=11,framebeyond=93 45,plrdistfurther=70:state=111,addvar=point1 1,sound=audiobank\station13\survival\plank_break1.ogg

;===Если игрок близкото атакует его===

:state=20,framebeyond=93 50,plrdistwithin=70:plraddhealth=-50,state=21
:state=20,framebeyond=93 50,plrdistfurther=70:state=21

Script of attack (Works for all points):
Codice PHP:
;desc Зомби (мужчинамедленный

:varequal=game_over 1:state=999,setframe=1

:state=0:state=1,etimerstart, ;airemove


;:state=5:runfpi=tation13\Survival Mode\mob_zombie_slow_man_FOLLOW.fpi


;===Звук атаки===

:state=20,framebeyond=93 50,plrdistwithin=70:plraddhealth=-50,state=21,sound=audiobank\station13\zombies\zombie_hit1.wav
:state=20,framebeyond=93 50,plrdistfurther=70:state=21

;End of Script 

These scripts are written for zombie from Zombie Appocalipsys pack Slow Zombie.

Messaggi in questa discussione
Mini Tutorial Nazi Zombie System Script per Fpsc X9 - da friskon - 08-08-2012, 01:46 PM
RE: Nazi Zombie System Script per Fpsc X9 - da Putrack99 - 22-08-2012, 07:35 PM
RE: Nazi Zombie System Script per Fpsc X9 - da Lorenz - 26-08-2012, 09:24 AM

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