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Ethanon Engine - Versione stampabile

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Ethanon Engine - Skyline - 20-11-2011

Ethanon Engine is a free 2D game development tool focused on the recent video cards for hardware acceleration and shader effects. It may be used to develop any style of game, such as top-down view RPG's, side scrollers and shoot'em up games. The main goal of this engine is to provide high-quality lighting, shadow and particle effects with an easy to use visual interface and a simple and direct scripting system.

EE is entirely based on 2D sprites. It uses pixel shaders to perform the normal map based lighting and supports any kind of map construction (e.g.: isometric, orthogonal or hexagonal) because it's based on arbitrarily positioned entities instead of fixed tiles.
To control the game flow and handle its events, Ethanon Engine uses AngelScript for scripts, which brings a familiar C++ syntax to the code. The integration with the scripting language is pretty simple and easy to understand. Many features are included in the scripting system, such as full entity manipulation, save and load games with one instruction, video playback support, and more.


RE: Ethanon Engine - friskon - 08-03-2012

molto ma moltoooo bello, appena ho tempo lo provo!

RE: Ethanon Engine - Skyline - 08-03-2012

Il progetto sembra fermo, ma non lo è.... ci stanno apportando molte features, come anche la possibilità di esportare per: Android e iOS.

RE: Ethanon Engine - friskon - 08-03-2012

visto, difatti qui si vedono giochi nei vari market android e appstore

ma da come ho capito, tocca programmare in c++

RE: Ethanon Engine - Skyline - 09-03-2012

Mi sembra di no, solo che se non erro, la versione che supporta questi dispositivi è ancora un w.i.p e pertanto ti devi scaricare il source e compilarla... altrimenti si deve aspettare il rilascio finale.

RE: Ethanon Engine - MickeyCrashRayman - 15-03-2012

Perché per ora gli engine spuntano come funghi?

RE: Ethanon Engine - giovi1992 - 16-03-2012

(15-03-2012, 08:56 PM)MickeyCrashRayman Ha scritto: Perché per ora gli engine spuntano come funghi?

non so forse perchè l'idustria videludica fa 67 miliardi a l'anno. Smile

RE: Ethanon Engine - MickeyCrashRayman - 16-03-2012
