Fenix Mod per FPSC X9 - Versione stampabile +- Creare Videogiochi - Game Developer (https://www.making-videogames.net/giochi) +-- Forum: Fps Creator e GameGuru Italia (https://www.making-videogames.net/giochi/Forum-Fps-Creator-e-GameGuru-Italia) +--- Forum: Downloads per Fps Creator X9 X10 e GameGuru (https://www.making-videogames.net/giochi/Forum-Downloads-per-Fps-Creator-X9-X10-e-GameGuru) +---- Forum: Mod Programmi e Utility per Fps Creator GameGuru (https://www.making-videogames.net/giochi/Forum-Mod-Programmi-e-Utility-per-Fps-Creator-GameGuru) +---- Discussione: Fenix Mod per FPSC X9 (/thread-Fenix-Mod-per-FPSC-X9) |
Fenix Mod per FPSC X9 - David - 03-05-2010 Fenix Mod [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PunV6EJU-hI[/youtube] Autore : hockeykid Licenza : Gratuito Download : QUI RE: Fenix Mod per FPSC X9 - friskon - 04-05-2010 Comandi della Fenix Mod : Actions: fireweapon -forces the player to shoot disablefire=x -disables weapon fire if x is 1 enables if x is 0 dropweapon=x -drops the weapon in slot specified by x jumpoff -disables jumping jumpon -enables jumping showmouse=x -shows the mouse if x is 1 if x is 0 then hides it setcurrency=x -sets the currency based on x inccurrency=x -adds the value of x to the currency deccurrency=x -decreases the value of x from the currency multicurrency=x -multiplies the currency by the value of x divcurrency=x -divides the currency by the value of x crouchoff -disables crouch crouchon -enables crouch switchweapon=x -switches the weapon to the slot specified by x disablex=x -if x is 1 disables left to right camera movement is x is 0 enables left to right movement disabley=x -if x is 1 disables up and down camera movement if x is 0 enables up and down movement disablekeys=x -if x is 1 disables switching weapons with the keys if x is 0 enables switching weapons with the keys disablepeek=x -if x is 1 then Q and E peeking are disabled if x is 0 the Q and E peeking are enabled. dropcurrentweapon -drops the players current weapon removehead - removes the head from the entity that uses this command in their script (mainly for head shots) useaslegs -uses the character that has this in there script for the players legs animationreverse -reverses the characters animations animationnormal - changes the characters animations back to normal. makeflashlight -makes the flashlight flashlighton -turns the flashlight on flashlightoff -turns the flashlight off flashlightrange=x -gives the flash light a new range specified by x (deafault is around 1000) newdamage=x -changes the current gun out damage to x newfirerate=x -changes the current gun out fire rate to x newsimplezoom=x -changes the current gun out simple zoom to x newreloadqty=x -changes the current gun out reload quantity to x newrange=x -changes the current gun out range to x playerspeed=x -x sets the players speed specified by x movecamera=x -sets how far back the camera is incmovecamera=x -adds x to the camera range decmovecamera=x decreases x from the cameras showcrosshair=x -when x is 1 it shows the crosshair of the current weapon and when x is 0 it hides the crosshair explode - makes the entity with this command in its script to activate its explosion setbuyvalue=x y -sets the amount to buy the entity with the name of x for the value of y setsellvalue=x y -sets the amount to sell the entity with the name of x for the value of y sell=x - adds the "setsellvalue" of the entity specified by x to the players money buy - subtracts the "setbuyvalue" of the current entity from the players money showmouse=x -if x =1 then the mouse will be shown if x=0 then the mouse will be hidden swapweapon -Will drop your current weapon for the one that has this command in its script Dark AI Actions addenemy -Adds the current entity to the AI system as an enemy(A must to use Dark AI!) addally -Adds the current entity to the AI system as an ally(A must to use Dark AI!) aisetactive=x - if x=1 then the dark ai will take control of the dark ai entity if x=0 then the dark ai will not take control of the dark ai entity (used to toggle off during entity reload to avoid sliding around) alwaysactive=x -if x=1 then the entity will be set to always active if x=0 the entity will be set to always active off (mainly used for dark ai as dark ai entities need to be always active but can be used on regular FPSC objects) aisettarget -Sets the current entities target to an enemy nearby that it can see + AIRMODS ACTIONS Conditions: keypressed=x y (THANKS PLY!) detects if x is pressed if y is 1 if y is 0 then detects if button is released curequal=x -checks if the currency equals the value specified by x curgreater=x -checks if the currency is equal to or greater the the value specified by x curnotequal=x - checks if the currency is not equal to the value of x curless=x -checks if the currency is less then the value of x shotinhead=x -checks if the enemy has been shot in the head (requires use of the appearwithheadshot.fpi script) mouseclick=x checks if the mouse is clicked (1 is left 2 if right) usingweapon=x -checks if the player is using the weapon specified by x notusingweapon=x -checks if the is not player is using the weapon specified by x pickobject=x -detects if your pointing at the object thats has this condition in its script if x is 1 if x is 0 detects if you are not pointing at the object currentweaponweight=x - checks if x is equal to the current weapons weight totalweaponweight=x - checks if x is equal to all of the weapons weight added together cameramoveposition=x - checks if x is equal to how far back the camera is guninzoommode=x - if x is 1 then it checks if the guns is in any kind of zoom state, if x is 0 it checks if the gun is not in any zoom state hudclicked=x y -checks if the hudname specified by x has been clicked (y=1 and hud clicked then will return true. y=0 and hud not clicked then will return true) canbuy=x - if x is 1 and you have enough money to buy the entity the command will return true if x is 0 and you do not have enough money the command will return true totalweapons=x -if x=the total weapons the player is holding then this will return true else it will return false Dark AI conditions ducking=x - if x=1 and the enemy/ally is ducking the conition will return true if x=0 and the enemy/ally is not ducking the conition will return true strafingleft=x - if x=1 and the enemy/ally is strafing left the condition will return true if x=0 and the enemy/ally is not strafing left the conition will return true(used mainly for to set animations) strafingright=x - if x=1 and the enemy/ally is strafing right the condition will return true if x=0 and the enemy/ally is not strafing right the conition will return true(used mainly for to set animations) movingforwards=x - if x=1 and the enemy/ally is moving forward the condition will return true if x=0 and the enemy/ally is not moving forward the conition will return true(used mainly for to set animations) movingbackwards=x - if x=1 and the enemy/ally is moving backward the condition will return true if x=0 and the enemy/ally is not moving backward the conition will return true(used mainly for to set animations) idle=x - if x=1 and the enemy/ally is not moving the condition will return true if x=0 and the enemy/ally is moving the conition will return true(used mainly for to set animations) aicanshoot=x - if x=1 and the enemy/ally can see an enemy the condition will return true if x=0 and the enemy/ally is can not see an enemy the conition will return true + AIRMODS CONDITIONS New Gunspec command weight=x -sets the guns weight to x melee start =x y -the start and end key frames for the melee start melee end=x y -the start and end key frames for the melee end melee key=x -the key number to do a melee melee range=x -how far away you can melee from melee damage=x -how much damage the melee does empty idle =x y -the start and end key frames for the empty idle(when out of ammo these will play) empty move=x y -the start and end key frames for the empty move(when out of ammo these will play) empty reload =x y -the start and end key frames for the empty reload(when out of ammo these will play) empty select =x y -the start and end key frames for the empty select(when out of ammo these will play) empty putaway =x y -the start and end key frames for the empty putaway(when out of ammo these will play) empty melee start =x y -the start and end key frames for the start of you empty melee(when out of ammo these will play) empty melee end =x y -the start and end key frames for the end of you empty melee addtospare=x -will add the ammo you pick up to you "spare" collection when completely out of ammo instead of directly into the clip changed cap to 40 Dual Timer System Dark AI Horror Mod RPG Mod RE: Fenix Mod per FPSC X9 - darkcrome - 16-06-2010 sembra stupenda RE: Fenix Mod per FPSC X9 - federico - 16-06-2010 Scusate la mia ignoranza,ma non ho mai usato una mod,dopo che la scarico,la devo installare,o cosa ne devo fare??? RE: Fenix Mod per FPSC X9 - friskon - 16-06-2010 dipende dalla mod, prima di utilizzare una mod assicurarsi di conoscere bene fps creator, struttura scripting ed altro... sennò si rischia solo di installare una cosa che a parte non servire può anche arrecare danni ad fps creator stesso. RE: Fenix Mod per FPSC X9 - federico - 16-06-2010 Per esempio,della fenix mod,che ne faccio?? RE: Fenix Mod per FPSC X9 - Zapetino - 23-08-2010 nel video k zombie usano?? RE: Fenix Mod per FPSC X9 - David - 24-08-2010 usano i zombie apocalypse... RE: Fenix Mod per FPSC X9 - xlsheriklx - 16-11-2010 Ragazzi una piccola traduzione in italiano...(se possibile xP) Raga ma con la V.1.17 non va? Raga ma con la V.1.17 non va? RE: Fenix Mod per FPSC X9 - friskon - 16-11-2010 no, al massimo 1.16 (non vorrei dire azzata ma fino a poco fa era così) hockeykid sta lavorando alla project blue e al nuovo update 1.18 e non si sta mettendo a lavorare sulle sue mod free (questa e la project green) le mod che usano la 1.17 /18 sono : Project Blue (a pagamento) Rpg Mod (Gratuita) RE: Fenix Mod per FPSC X9 - Alche - 16-11-2010 io uso da tempo la 1.17 e ti assicuro che non c'era una mod che funzionava..... RE: Fenix Mod per FPSC X9 - xlsheriklx - 16-11-2010 Anche io me ne sono accorto xD |