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Orthello 2D Framework - 100% FREE
Ho rilasciato 'Orthello' Framework 2D nell'assets store. Un altro modo per creare i vostri giochi 2D e applicazioni utilizzando sprite, i fogli di sprite e animazioni.

Ma questa volta è GRATIS.....

[Immagine: orthello-free.png]

Some functionality of the framework:
  • Workflow by drag-n-dropping Orthello objects (prefabs) like sprites, sprite sheets and animations onto your scene.
  • Static, animating and filled (scrollable) sprites.
  • Full pivot point control.
  • Orthographic View (camera) control : zooming, auto pixel-perfect or auto scale, follow target (move/rotate).
  • Animation objects that can have multiple framesets ( texture + frame meta data ) for multi texture spanning animations or to organise your animations.
  • Static Orthello helper object (class OT) with functionality to create, find and destroy Orthello objects at run time.
  • 5 C# and 5 JS Javascript working examples with extensive inline code documentation for learning purposes.

| more information and online demo | asset store | C# Class Reference |

Una miigliore documentazione (classe e il loro utilizzo) e alcuni materiali sono in arrivo ....

P.s. I will release a PRO version some time in the future for some cents with some additional functionality like : sprite batching, sprite sheet and sprite atlas creation, paralax background support and more .....

Autore: http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/95827-O...k-100-FREE
cosa permette di fare questo pacchetto? scusa la stupida domanda Smile

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  [NuOxygen] Rilascio di Umotion 2D Skyline 1 1,599 03-02-2012, 11:07 PM
Ultimo messaggio: giovi1992

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