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Name_Input "Tradotto"
Dato che l'avevo fatto tanto tempo fa e l'hanno richiesto, lo posto qui.
A molti capita di avere le lettere giapponesi nella finestra input del nome invece delle lettere latine, così ho modificato lo script in modo tale che il gioco prenda direttamente le lettere latine invece di controllare se il programma è giapponese.

Enterbrain per lo script, io mi sono limitato a modificarlo.

Sostituire allo script Window_NameInput.

# ** Window_NameInput
#  This window is used to select text characters on the name input screen.

class Window_NameInput < Window_Selectable
  # * Character Tables (Latin)
  LATIN1 = [ 'A','B','C','D','E',  'a','b','c','d','e',
             'F','G','H','I','J',  'f','g','h','i','j',
             'K','L','M','N','O',  'k','l','m','n','o',
             'P','Q','R','S','T',  'p','q','r','s','t',
             'U','V','W','X','Y',  'u','v','w','x','y',
             'Z','[',']','^','_',  'z','{','}','|','~',
             '0','1','2','3','4',  '!','#','$','%','&',
             '5','6','7','8','9',  '(',')','*','+','-',
             '/','=','@','<','>',  ':',';',' ','Pag.','OK']
  LATIN2 = [ 'Á','É','Í','Ó','Ú',  'á','é','í','ó','ú',
             'À','È','Ì','Ò','Ù',  'à','è','ì','ò','ù',
             'Â','Ê','Î','Ô','Û',  'â','ê','î','ô','û',
             'Ä','Ë','Ï','Ö','Ü',  'ä','ë','ï','ö','ü',
             'Ā','Ē','Ī','Ō','Ū',  'ā','ē','ī','ō','ū',
             'Ã','Å','Æ','Ç','Ð',  'ã','å','æ','ç','ð',
             'Ñ','Õ','Ø','Š','Ŵ',  'ñ','õ','ø','š','ŵ',
             'Ý','Ŷ','Ÿ','Ž','Þ',  'ý','ÿ','ŷ','ž','þ',
             'IJ','Œ','ij','œ','ß',  '«','»',' ','Pag.','OK']
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize(edit_window)
    super(edit_window.x, edit_window.y + edit_window.height + 8,
          edit_window.width, fitting_height(9))
    @edit_window = edit_window
    @page = 0
    @index = 0
  # * Get Text Table
  def table
    return [LATIN1, LATIN2]
  # * Get Text Character
  def character
    @index < 88 ? table[@page][@index] : ""
  # * Determining if Page Changed and Cursor Location
  def is_page_change?
    @index == 88
  # * Determine Cursor Location: Confirmation
  def is_ok?
    @index == 89
  # * Get Rectangle for Displaying Item
  def item_rect(index)
    rect = Rect.new
    rect.x = index % 10 * 32 + index % 10 / 5 * 16
    rect.y = index / 10 * line_height
    rect.width = 32
    rect.height = line_height
  # * Refresh
  def refresh
    90.times {|i| draw_text(item_rect(i), table[@page][i], 1) }
  # * Update Cursor
  def update_cursor
  # * Determine if Cursor is Moveable
  def cursor_movable?
  # * Move Cursor Down
  #     wrap : Wraparound allowed
  def cursor_down(wrap)
    if @index < 80 or wrap
      @index = (index + 10) % 90
  # * Move Cursor Up
  #     wrap : Wraparound allowed
  def cursor_up(wrap)
    if @index >= 10 or wrap
      @index = (index + 80) % 90
  # * Move Cursor Right
  #     wrap : Wraparound allowed
  def cursor_right(wrap)
    if @index % 10 < 9
      @index += 1
    elsif wrap
      @index -= 9
  # * Move Cursor Left
  #     wrap : Wraparound allowed
  def cursor_left(wrap)
    if @index % 10 > 0
      @index -= 1
    elsif wrap
      @index += 9
  # * Move to Next Page
  def cursor_pagedown
    @page = (@page + 1) % table.size
  # * Move to Previous Page
  def cursor_pageup
    @page = (@page + table.size - 1) % table.size
  # * Cursor Movement Processing
  def process_cursor_move
    last_page = @page
    Sound.play_cursor if @page != last_page
  # * Handling Processing for OK and Cancel Etc.
  def process_handling
    return unless open? && active
    process_jump if Input.trigger?(:A)
    process_back if Input.repeat?(:B)
    process_ok   if Input.trigger?(:C)
  # * Jump to OK
  def process_jump
    if @index != 89
      @index = 89
  # * Go Back One Character
  def process_back
    Sound.play_cancel if @edit_window.back
  # * Processing When OK Button Is Pressed
  def process_ok
    if !character.empty?
    elsif is_page_change?
    elsif is_ok?
  # * Add Text to Name
  def on_name_add
    if @edit_window.add(character)
  # * Decide Name
  def on_name_ok
    if @edit_window.name.empty?
      if @edit_window.restore_default


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